Headstand Benefits And Contradictions

There are two types of the headstand, the first being Shirshasana, and the second Kapalasana. There is a minor difference between these two, and it is in arm position. Kapalasana is a more accessible version of the “real“ headstand since hands are on the floor; the weight of the body is more easily balanced and distributed evenly between arms and head. Although it’s a beginner version, it still shares the same benefits of Shirshasana.

Headstand is one of the most famous yoga postures often being the symbol of yoga. Along with its undeniable aesthetic qualities, it is also thought to be the “queen “ of all asanas in yogi culture. That is most likely because of its numerous benefits, on all levels of our body.

  • Having a considerable amount of weight on our head reflects on the whole spine and straightens it. It goes all the way down to the lower spine, especially on the fifth lumbar vertebra and sacrum, which holds the entire weight of the upper body. When Shirshasana is done correctly, this vertebra is in its most favorable position, and it releases back pain as a result. 
  • The bloodstream is often influenced the most by this posture. Since we walk straight and stand vertically, this can improve venous stasis in parts below the heart. Headstand makes a reversed situation, in which blood, with the help of gravity, leaves the leg veins and the blood stasis in the abdomen disappears. Venous blood is then put back in circulation, and it returns to the heart faster. The arterial blood goes more easily into the brain. Headstands can have positive results on enlarged veins and hemorrhoids.
  • Shirshasana purifies internal organs in the low abdomen, which can help men with prostate issues. Genitals are also cleansed. But most use out of Shirshasana in this part of the body is given to our digestive system and its glands, notably the liver. 
  • Shirshasana also acts on lungs, especially in the expiration, since it makes the complete exhalation easier to achieve.
  • Because of all the blood suddenly filling the brain, headstand helps in intellectual functions, for example, memory and concentration are improved, and resistance against stress is created.

There are fewer contradictions in headstand than one would expect. Like other inversion postures, it should be avoided during pregnancy and menstruation. Some other things which should stop you from doing this posture are: 

  • Any neck and back injury
  • High blood pressure
  • Weak blood vessels 
  • A pressure in the eyes 
  • Heart diseases

This posture is thought to be an advanced asana and should therefore not be practiced by beginners. You should have some experience in yoga before attempting it. Yoga practice gives you more awareness of your body which helps you to acquire a correct form in this exercise. Shoulderstand is a great preparatory pose for headstand. Also, overweight people shouldn’t do Shirshasana, as the weight of the body might be too heavy for the neck and head.

Other than that, if you practice with attentiveness and understanding of the correct form for this posture, you should be safe while doing it and reap its benefits.